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Kompong Cham, Cambodia, Cambodia
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Sunday, September 4, 2016


1)   The external environment factors that mostly affect HRM process are
1.      Identify and select competent employees

2.      Provide employees with up-to-date skill and knowledge

3.      Retain competent and high-performing employees

2)   List the factors that influence employees compensation and benefits
1.      Employees’ Tenure and Performance
2.      Kind of Job Performance
3.      Kind Of Business
4.      Unionization
5.      Labor or capital Intensive
6.      Management Philosophy
7.      Geographical Location
8.      Company Profitability
9.      Size of Company
3)   The different performance appraisal method are
1.      Written Essay-evaluator writes a description of employees’ strength and weakness, past performance, and potential; provides suggestion for improvement.
2.      Critical Incident-evaluator focus on critical behaviors that separate effectives and ineffective performance.
3.      Graphic Rating Scale-popular method that lists a set of performance factors and an incremental scale; evaluator goes down the list and rate employee on each other.
4.      Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale-popular approach that combine elements from critical incident and graphic rating scale, but items are example of actual job behavior.
5.      Multi-person Comparison-employees are rated in comparison to others in work group.
6.      MBO-employees are evaluated on how well they accomplish specific goals
7.      360 Degree Appraisal-utilize feedback from supervisors, employees, and coworkers.
4)   The barriers to effective communication
1.      Filtering
2.      Emotion
3.      Information overload
4.      Defensiveness
5.      Language
6.      National culture
v  Those barriers can be overcome such as
1.      Use feedback
2.      Simplify language
3.      Listen actively
4.      Constrain Emotion
5.      Watch nonverbal cues
5)   I think the most important for managers, is to be listening actively or good listeners. Because,  managers can
1.      Learn many things from the others
2.      Understand other point of view
3.      Evaluate a situation more thoroughly.
4.      Then, when managers have all the information, they can reach a decision and also speaking well or accurately.
6)   Three communication networks
1.      Chain Network-communication flows according to the formal chain of command, both upward and downward.
2.      Wheel Network-all communication flows it and out through the group leader to others in the group.
3.      All Channel Network-communications flow freely among all members of the work team
7)   Managers have to worry so much about employee motivation issue due to
1.      the competitive nature of the workplace and productivity
2.      Organizations need engaged employees for successful and profitable results.
8)   the managers face challenge in motivating are
1.     unique group of workers
2.     A diverse workforce is looking for flexibility
3.     professionals want job challenge and support
4.     Contingent workers want the opportunity to become permanent or to receive skills training; recognition programs and sincere appreciation for work done can be used motivate low skilled, minimum wage workers.
9)   Type of training
1.      General-communication skill, computer systems application and programming, customers service, sales, executive development, managing skills and development, personal growth, supervisory skill, technological skill and knowledge.
2.      Specific-basic life or work skill, creativity, customer education, diversity cultural or awareness, remedial writing, managing change, leadership, product knowledge, public speaking or presentation skills, safety ethics, sexual harassment, team building, wellness and others.
v  Type of orientation
1.      Reducing the anxiety of the employee
2.      Sharing relevant organizational information and beginning a process of learning about the organization’s mission and work
3.      Socializing the employee to the culture of the organization, including the values, behaviors, formal and informal practices, etc.
4.      Building relationship between the new employee and colleagues, including managers or supervisors
10)    Sexual harassment is any unwanted action or activity of sexual nature that explicitly affects an individual’s employment, performance, or work environment. And the companies can minimize sexual harassment in the workplace are
1.     Create and communicate a clear ant harassment policy
2.     Conduct sexual harassment training and retraining for everyone
3.     Ensure managers and supervisors understand their obligation to maintain zero tolerance for harassment in the workplace.
4.     Monitor emails and other electronic communications to scan for harassing content
5.     Ensure employees know their options if they find themselves in such a situation
6.     Cultivate a culture where sexual harassment is not welcome or tolerated.
7.     Have a clear process for investigating any complaint of harassment
12)    the benefits of realistic job previews between perspective of organization and employees
1.     Saves the Time for Candidates Who Are looking for the job
2.     Prevents Inappropriate Hires
3.     Result: Less Confusion and More Commitment

4.     Reduces Voluntary Turnover

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